Senin, 22 Maret 2010


Ngaji khun is an Islamic activity for all Indonesian people who study in Thailand. This activity has purpose to add our knowledge about Islam also our belief and devotion to Allah SWT.

Ngaji Khun has many activity such as reading Al-Quran by Tartil or Qiro’ah, giving lesson of Islam, sharing any problems about Muslim condition, Nasyid performance, Islamic  games, etc.

The speaker of this activity is Indonesian people or Thai people who can speak ‘Melayu’ language or English to make easier communication. This activity supported by educational attache of Indonesia embassy in Bangkok, Thailand. So, sometimes there are more interesting activities that be done in many places outside Bangkok city.

Selasa, 09 Maret 2010

Pertemuan Mahsiswa (TIP), Dosen Politeknik, Dosen RMUTT dengan pengelola Institute Food Research and Product Development

IFRPD (Institute of Research and Product Development), Kasesart University Thailand, menjadi salah satu target fieldtrip mahasiswa Food science and technology dan dosen Politeknik Negeri Jember yg sedang melakukan research di Thailand.

memiliki beberapa bagian penting seperti:
Department of applied microbiology
Department of food chemistry and physics
Department of food processing and preservation
Department of Nutrition and health
Department of engineering

Pokoknya acara fieldtripnya menyenangkan sekali, karena ternyata ada pasarnya juga didalam kampus....weleh..weleh....semoga Universitas di Indonesia juga cepat berkembang lebih baik lagi. Aminn..^_-

Rabu, 03 Maret 2010



Rajamangala University Technology Tanyaburi (RMUTT) Thailand and Politeknik Negeri Jember (POLIJE) Indonesia had signed Agreement of Corporations in 2008. 
One of those corporations is exchange student program. In this case, it is especially for Major (Food Science and Technology, Plant Science, and Animal Science). 
This program has system as join or double degree program.  All students have to complete their study abroad for one year. 
Both two Universities always try to do their best in education and learning systems to match that difference condition because POLIJE is Institute of applied science or vocational system but RMUTT is university. 
Although, it look like difficult to apply but at real, all student usually adapted quickly and have a lot of achievement. So, it successful after all.